6 ÷ 6 = 1

20 Feb

This morning Cynwise tagged me for the Sixth Meme, which means it’s my turn to share with you the sixth image in my sixth subfolder.

However, I don’t keep images organized in the same way that other players do, I guess, and I’ve recently made the transition from WoW to SWTOR which throws another little spin on things as the Sixth has been going around the WoW blogosphere up to this point (as far as I’m aware).

So, since I use a more elaborate organisation system, and I have a lot of screenshots from two different games, and the fact that I don’t usually join memes because I don’t like spreading them to other people, I’m putting a Psynister spin on this meme. Instead of giving you the sixth image from my sixth subfolder, I’m going to give you six images from six of my sixth subfolders.

As far as tagging other people goes, it’s not really my thing. So, consider my tags open to the public. If you want to partake in the Sixth, but haven’t been tagged yet – then consider yourself tagged. If you haven’t been tagged yet, and you don’t want to be tagged – then consider yourself tagged anyway!

First up we have Psynister the Worgen. This is one of many shots that I took when we were first getting The Overlores podcast started up. I took several screenshots of my character in various locations around all of Gilneas, and that just happened to be shot #6.

Next we have a retro-raid done during mid-to-late ICC raiding days. It also shows off one of my fantastically cluttered UI setups that I used to run because I was totally feeling like I needed to have access to ALL THE THINGS on all of my toons at all times.

Here we have one of my many alts running WSG. I’ve got some pretty crappy numbers on the board there, so I’m assuming I took that shot for the achievements. Don’t ask me, I’ve slept since then.

And there’s another alt running another WSG, getting more achievements.

Moving on into SWTOR, this shot was taken on the sixth day of the game being officially released. It was taken in a Voidstar Warzone in which we were completely dominated by a group of Inquisitors. We never managed to plant a single bomb thanks to their AoE and crowd control, and their speed boosts, bubbles, healing, and stealth let them burst straight through our own defenses in record time.

For those of you who play WoW but have never been in SWTOR, this was like playing against a team full of Resto Druids during the Wrath expansion.

And last but not least, we have a dance-off between the four founding members of the Ewok Dance Studio; a fun loving alt guild on Juyo-US.

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Posted by on February 20, 2012 in SWTOR, World of Warcraft


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