Tag Archives: BoA

Heirloom Updates

Patch 7.3 introduced an undocumented change to heirlooms, which is that they now change primary stats to match your spec just like all of the other armor does. For example if you’re in a healing spec on your Paladin, the primary stat on your ‘looms will be Int, and if you swap over to a melee spec, then the primary stat will swap over to Str without you having to change your gear at all.

If you’ve been playing this game for a long time and already have a full collection of the heirlooms, then this change means almost nothing, except that you don’t have to bother with carrying around multiple sets of heirlooms while you’re leveling if you’re one who swaps to one spec for questing and another for dungeons/PvP. If you’re new to the game and haven’t completed a collection yet, then this change means you just saved yourself a small fortune in heirloom and upgrade item purchases. Potentially.

Secondary Stats
This is the part that doesn’t change, so technically if you want to be optimized to the teeth in all situations then you would still need to buy all of the various heirlooms to make sure you can cover that for the different specs. How anal you want to be about optimization is up to you. If you’re trying to save gold and don’t want to buy a full set of heirlooms, then the secondary stat that I suggest you focus on most often is Haste. If you want to be optimized all the time, then buy all of the armor pieces out there.

The other half of the class-specific heirloom guides are nearly done and will be coming out soon™.


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Warrior Heirlooms

Welcome to the Warrior Heirlooms Guide for Legion. This post will cover all three of the Warrior specs, including the optimal enchants. Please keep in mind that heirlooms are designed for leveling, and the choices of which pieces of gear to use as well as which enchants are designed towards leveling rather than raiding. In many cases the choices are the same, but if something seems odd then I’ve likely chosen it for a reason. Feel free to ask if you’re confused or care to offer other comments or suggestions. In the long run, as long as you’re wearing heirlooms with the right primary stats on it, it doesn’t necessarily matter which ones you choose.

Arms (DPS)

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Polished Helm of Valor N/A
Neck Eternal Emburfury Talisman Gift of Critical Strike*
Cloak Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cloak Gift of Critical Strike*
Shoulder Polished Spaulders of Valor Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Polished Breastplate of Valor Peerless Stats
Legs Polished Legplates of Valor Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Critical Strike*
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Critical Strike*
Main Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Crusader
Off Hand None None
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Strength > Crit > Mastery > Multistrike > Haste > Versatility

Fury (DPS)

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Polished Helm of Valor N/A
Neck Eternal Emburfury Talisman Gift of Haste*
Cloak Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cloak Gift of Haste*
Shoulder Polished Spaulders of Valor Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Polished Breastplate of Valor Peerless Stats
Legs Polished Legplates of Valor Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Haste*
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Haste*
Main Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Crusader
Off Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Elemental Force
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Strength > Haste > Crit > Mastery > Haste > Multistrike > Versatility

Protection (Tank)

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Burnished Helm of Might N/A
Neck Eternal Talisman of Evasion Gift of Critical Strike*
Cloak Ripped Sandstorm Cloak Gift of Critical Strike*
Shoulder Burnished Pauldrons of Might Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Burnished Breastplate of Might Peerless Stats
Legs Burnished Legplates of Might Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Critical Strike*
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Critical Strike*
Main Hand Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver Crusader
Off Hand Flamescarred Draconian Deflector Vitality
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Also, while Mastery is higher on your stat priority list than Crit, you don’t actually benefit from Mastery until level 80, which is why I suggest Crit enchants on ring, neck, and back rather than Mastery. If you want to switch the enchants out at level 80+ feel free to do so, but I personally reuse my heirlooms because I level an army of alts as well, so I prefer to get the most bang for my buck by benefiting for as many levels as possible rather than getting maximum effect for only 10-20 levels and nothing for the previous 60-80.

Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Strength > Bonus Armor > Mastery > Crit = Versatility > Haste > Multistrike


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Death Knight Heirlooms

Welcome to the Death Knight Heirlooms Guide for Legion. This post will cover all three of the Death Knight specs, including the optimal enchants. Please keep in mind that heirlooms are designed for leveling, and the choices of which pieces of gear to use as well as which enchants are designed towards leveling rather than raiding. In many cases the choices are the same, but if something seems odd then I’ve likely chosen it for a reason. Feel free to ask if you’re confused or care to offer other comments or suggestions. In the long run, as long as you’re wearing heirlooms with the right primary stats on it, it doesn’t necessarily matter which ones you choose.

Blood Spec (Tanking)

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Burnished Helm of Might N/A
Neck Eternal Talisman of Evasion Gift of Mastery*
Cloak Ripped Sandstorm Cloak Gift of Mastery*
Shoulder Burnished Pauldrons of Might Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Burnished Breastplate of Might Peerless Stats
Legs Burnished Legplates of Might Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Mastery*
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Mastery*
Main Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Rune of the Fallen Crusader
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

* While Mastery is the best stat that you can get for survivability, Multistrike is also a very good option for you. If you find that survival is not an issue, switch to Multistrike.

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Balanced: Strength = Bonus Armor > Multistrike > Mastery > Haste = Critical Strike > Versatility

Survival: Bonus Armor > Strength > Mastery > Haste > Critical Strike = Versatility > Multistrike

DPS Oriented: Strength > Bonus Armor > Multistrike > Critical Strike > Mastery = Versatility > Haste

Frost (DPS)
For Frost, there are different enchants depending on whether you are going to dual wield or use a two-handed weapon because of how your attacks and passive abilities work. While dual wielding you want to prioritize Mastery, where using a two-handed weapon you’ll want to prioritize Haste. I’ll note that below with [2H] for the two-handed enchant and [DW] for dual wielding.

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Burnished Helm of Might N/A
Neck Eternal Emberfury Talisman Gift of Mastery[DW], Gift of Haste[2H]
Cloak Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape Gift of Mastery[DW], Gift of Haste[2H]
Shoulder Polished Spaulders of Valor Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Burnished Breastplate of Might Peerless Stats
Legs Burnished Legplates of Might Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Mastery[DW], Gift of Haste[2H]
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Mastery[DW], Gift of Haste[2H]
Main Hand Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver Rune of the Fallen Crusader
Off-Hand Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver Rune of the Razorice
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

In Legion, Frost DK’s are forced to dual-wield one-handed weapons instead of having the choice between dual wielding or using a two-hander. This guide has been updated to reflect that, removing the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper from this list. If you’re reading this guide pre-Legion then you still have the choice of either option, but personally I would get started in preparation for Legion right now since the patch is rumored to be dropping on 7/19/2016.

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Dual Wielding: Strength > Mastery > Multistrike > Versatility > Haste > Critical Strike

Two-Handed: Strength > Haste > Multistrike > Versatility > Critical Strike > Mastery

Unholy (DPS)

Slot Item Name Enchant
Helm Burnished Helm of Might N/A
Neck Eternal Emberfury Talisman Gift of Multistrike
Cloak Ripped Sandstorm Cloak Gift of Multistrike
Shoulder Burnished Pauldrons of Might Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Chest Burnished Breastplate of Might Peerless Stats
Legs Burnished Legplates of Might Angerhide Leg Armor
Ring 1 Captain Sander’s Returned Band Gift of Multistrike
Ring 2 Dread Pirate Ring Gift of Multistrike
Main Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Rune of the Fallen Crusader
Trinket 1 Swift Hand of Justice N/A
Trinket 2 Swift Hand of Justice N/A

If you don’t have access to the enchants mentioned above, you may choose others. Your stat priorities are as follows (from

Strength > Multistrike > Mastery > Critical Strike > Versatility > Haste


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New Heirlooms in 5.2?

The PTR has once again revealed the possibility of new heirlooms. For the last couple of years there have been heirloom rings that were datamined out of the PTR, but we still haven’t seen them in-game. The legs showed up at the same time as the rings, and we have had those for a while now but who knows whether these new items will really be available or not, and if so then when?

When and if these new heirlooms do become available, I will update my existing guide, or write a new one to make sure that all of your heirloom needs are covered from which ones you need or want for which class, to which enchants you’ll want to put on them as well. Until they are confirmed to be in the actual patch, I’ll just stick with this guide to give you an idea of what’s there.

This post will show you all of the new heirlooms that were found in the 5.2 patch, and compare them to their existing items so that you can see how they compare and whether or not they might be on your list of things to do once they go live.

[Update: I found a blue post yesterday that confirms that these new upgraded heirlooms will in fact be in the 5.2 patch, as well as the new shields and off-hand item. The price for the upgraded versions of the heirlooms is the same as the current version of the heirloom plus you have to turn in that old heirloom. So, if you want a level 85 heirloom, they basically cost twice as much as the original because you have to turn in a copy of the original in order to get it.]

Turn the page to find out more…


Posted by on December 27, 2012 in Guide, Heirlooms, World of Warcraft


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MoP Heirloom Legs

When you don’t pay attention to patch notes or explore the game as much as you should, you miss out on things like the fact that heirloom legs have been added to the game!

I will get these added into the primary heirloom guide soon, after I have time to make sure they haven’t slipped in any other heirlooms that I just haven’t noticed yet. We’ve known for quite a while now that there are a number of heirloom rings that have been data mined at the same time the legs first were, so I’m going to make sure those are not included before I edit the original guide. But until that time, here’s your guide for leg armor.

New Heirloom Legs
These heirlooms are going to cost you roughly 1,750g each. I don’t have a character that is Exhalted with a guild right now since I haven’t played in forever, so I can’t confirm the exact costs for those of you who get high enough to get the maximum discount. However, it’s pretty safe to assume they’ll cost you somewhere around 1,500-1,750g. I know gold is easier to come by these days than it used to be, but for those of you who will need to put forth a real effort to save up the gold, there you have it. The requirement to purchase them is Honored reputation with your guild.

You purchase these heirlooms from the guild vendor (I believe), and they require your guild to have gotten the “Working Better As a Team” achievement which is getting every profession leveled up to 600 skill level, which won’t be possible until MoP launches. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning today, right?

These heirlooms are good all the way up to level 85, so we’re sticking with the Cap – 5 thing we’ve been seeing since the introduction of heirlooms. As you look at the table below, note that the stats you see here on my blog are the stats as they appear in-game on a level 85 character. The stats on Wowhead are significantly higher than the in-game version, as is the case with the new Monk staff. So don’t look at the stats there and think they’re mindblowingly great, stick to the numbers you see here or what you see for yourself in the game.

Burnished Legplates of Might Plate +267 Str, +401 Stam, +191 Parry, +156 Hit, +10% Exp
Polished Legplates of Valor Plate +267 Str, +401 Stam, +178 Crit, +178 Expertise, +10% Exp
Tarnished Leggings of Destruction Mail +267 Agi, +401 Stam, +178 Crit, +178 Haste, +10% Exp
Mystical Kilt of Elements Mail +401 Stam, +267 Int, +178 Spirit, +178 Crit, +10% Exp
Stained Shadowcraft Pants Leather +267 Agi, +401 Stam, +178 Crit, +178 Haste, +10% Exp
Preened Wildfeather Leggings Leather +401 Stam, +267 Int, +178 Spirit, +178 Crit, +10% Exp
Tattered Dreadmist Leggings Cloth +401 Stam, +267 Int, +178 Crit, +178 Haste, +10% Exp

As you can see, we have Plate legs for both Tanks and DPS but still nothing new for plate casters. We also have Mail legs for both Melee DPS and Caster DPS as well as Heals. Leather legs cover the DPS and Heals well, though there’s nothing particularly tanky available for the Monks and Druid out there. You’ll get by just fine without a tanking stat for your leather legs, but for the sake of covering all the bases there it is. Cloth naturally only has one leg choice and it follows the same pattern we’ve seen with all of the other heirloom armor up to this point, meaning that all of the cloth casters have a piece to turn to but the gear has stats for DPS more so than healers as there is no Spirit available.

Enchanting Heirloom Legs
I’m going to hold off on posting the enchants right now because even though there are a lot of leg enchants that appear to be available for these heirlooms, some of them do have item level requirements that don’t show up on their tooltips. That being the case, I’m going to try to do some more in-depth research on the leg enchants before I go ahead and post the information. Unfortunately, I don’t know of a good place to find the information on those hidden tooltips, so I’m going to have to either experiment in game or find another source online.

For now, just know that your only low level options offer a nearly worthless amount of bonus Armor rating which is decent if you’re going to have a low level twink but otherwise a waste of materials. The higher level enchants offer much better stats, but the drawback of their stats not being in effect until you reach a higher level. So do you want good stats for 25 levels, or do you want crappy stats for all 85? That’s up to you, but I’ll take the good stats for 25.

Collecting More Information
If any of you happens to know specifically of any of the enchants that have hidden item level requirements, I would appreciate the help cutting down the list.


Posted by on September 11, 2012 in World of Warcraft


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